The ANGELCAB store is located under the “roof of the economy”, behind the faithfully restored facade of the historic building from 1581. Located in the center of Nuremberg, the building respects parameters typical of the old town with a perforated facade and pitched roof, creating a magnificent accent for the store interior, which was furnished using the highest quality materials such as stainless steel, wool and custom oak woodwork. In addition to the complete product portfolio, the existing cobblestones also invite an extensive test drive across the main market.
Hauptmarkt 27
90403 Nuremberg
Opening hours
The store has opened. It is not necessary to make an appointment.
Wed.-Fri.: 12.00-18.00 h
Sat.: 10 – 6 pm
What awaits you
All fabrics and collections are available. Test possibility in and outside the store. Service point for repairs and assistance.